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Goodbye Google MTV. Hello Google SF.

It's Friday the 13th and today was my last day at Google Mountain View. I have been commuting to Google headquarters for almost seven years. Until now. I am transferring from Gmail to Google Wallet in San Francisco. My commute will be cut from 120 minutes per day to 40. I will get part of my life back.

Fridays are especially meaninfgul among my camera loving co-workers. Back in the "golden days" of Gmail (cca 2009), we used to do a photo walk or an indoor photo shoot every Friday. We called it "Photo Fridays". This group is what got me interested in photography. Dustin Diaz, a former Gmail front-end engineer, a Flickr photographer of the year 2009, and now also a photography book author led these photo walks, explaining various photography concepts to us. After a while, the group fell apart. But today I resurrected the group and organized another photo shoot. At a place that is close to my heart -- the Moroccan lounge which I co-designed.

Sparky, the Gmail dog joined the fun. He also farted all afternoon (but we love him anyways).

I had total eight photographers joining me today. It seemed like we would be stepping on each other toes at first, but we quickly figured out how to shoot the same things without being in the way. At some point, they had me pose in the seating area. Let me tell you, it's no fun to pose for four photographers at the same time. I'd rather be coding in Cobol than have that job.

I left the building very late. I carried a small box with few personal items and quietly left the campus where I lived a huge part of my life, met tons of friends and also my current husband. I'll never forget those times.

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Reader Comments (4)

Wow, what a beautiful space. Good luck with your new position!

January 14, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChris S.

So nice to see your friends over the last photo. Great captures! I can't help laughing when you mentioned the phrase.."current husband"...haha..Best of luck.

January 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJames Hardman

Your shots are fantastic. You have an amazing eye for the details. Good job!

January 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

You are already greatly missed. :)

January 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnett

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